CaloriBurn GP™ is a 100% Aframomum Melegueta, which is ethanol and water extracted through a natural proprietary extraction technology with HPLC & HPTLC standards. It preserves ALL the metabolism-enhancing bioactive compounds from human studies: 6-Paradol, 6-Gingerdione, 6-Shogaol, and 6-Gingerol.
- Increases metabolic rate (i.e., calorie expenditure) and calorie burning effect
- Activates the metabolically active, highly thermogenic Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)
- Results in a significant increase in energy expenditure (similar pathways as capsaicin)
- Non-stimulatory thermogenic that’s safe to use any time of day.
NNB Nutrition Advantages :
- 100% natural
- Non-spiked (Adulterated)
- Proprietary extraction technology
- Preserves ALL the metabolism-enhancing
- bioactive compounds
- Proven potency (Ultra-Low Dose)
- Popular cooking spice with GRAS status
Summary of CaloriBurn GP™
- Increased metabolic rate via BAT activation resulting in more calories burned a day
- Safe thermogenic effect without CNS stimulation
- Real extract (not adulterated) of Grains of Paradise with all four actives at key levels
- Potent effect at a low dose (40mg) allowing for unique delivery formats or smaller capsules
- Some are finding higher doses or more frequent administration to be even more effective
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