is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)?
eating an ultra-low carbohydrate diet, the body switches from burning glucose
to fat. As the liver breaks down fatty acids, it generates ketone bodies that
serve as fuel for the brain, heart, and muscles in times when carbohydrates are
in short supply.
addition to eating low carb, the body also switches to running on ketones
during periods of fasting, such as overnight while we sleep.
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is the most abundant of the three ketone bodies
created by the liver, accounting for 78% of the total ketones in the blood.
(AcAc) is the second most prevalent ketone body, accounting for ~20% of total
ketones in the blood. And last, but not least, is acetone, which accounts for a
mere 2% of blood ketones. Interestingly, both BHB and acetone are derived from
acetoacetate, but it’s BHB that’s primarily used for energy production while
AcAc is typically excreted via sweat and respiring (breathing).
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