When looking for an additional boost in energy, we often turn to stimulants and other supplements to provide a jolt. While this usually does the trick temporarily, how often do we take a step back and ask why we needed the kickstart to begin with? Maybe the previous night’s sleep wasn’t great, or a tough week at work or in the gym have left us feeling drained. What if the cause runs deeper than situational circumstances, though? What if, biologically, the body isn’t efficiently producing the energy it so desperately needs?
The human body is an extremely complex system. It houses 78 different organs,[1] each of which have unique responsibilities, plus countless pathways/complexes that dictate overall functioning. Containing over 37 trillion cells, this vessel is incredibly complicated – but that doesn’t mean it can’t be understood. At a high level, the human body is effectively a machine, complete with power-generating mechanisms and supportive structures that ultimately enable efficient operation.
Every component in the body is important in its own right, but for the purposes of this post, we’d like to hone in one particular piece that is central to optimal functioning – the mitochondria
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